Friday 6 January 2012

Famous Place in Dallas

Famous Place in Dallas

GUEST ARTICLE: We arrived at Dallas, Texas pretty late at night and got a bus transfer from the airport to our hotel (Hyatt Place) located in the suburb of North Irving. We were packed in with a few military personnel and some people sporting the famous Dallas Cowboys jersey.

Everyone was in a great mood and really excited about the upcoming football game. Initially we thought how lucky we were to have arrived just in time to potentially see a Dallas Cowboy game, unfortunately our enthusiasm was quickly doused when we heard how much the tickets were (if any were available) – each one a whopping $350US – Yikes!!
The next morning we decided to head into downtown Dallas. One thing we hadn’t counted on was the vastness of the city, it is absolutely massive! And another were the price of things, for example to take a cab into the city was going to cost us around $60US. We had initially booked a rental car but cancelled it because we had just been caught in a really bad freak snowstorm in Las Vegas.
That storm was headed toward Dallas so we thought better of it, especially after the chaotic ride we had had on the roads in Vegas at that time. Instead we decided to check out their bus and train transportation system. Unfortunately and strangely no buses ran near our hotel so we decided to catch a cab to the nearest train station. $26US later, we arrived at a deserted looking station in South Irving.
Our train ride into the city was pretty interesting we met some very friendly people who had no qualms about filling us in with regards to the places to see and the ones to definitely avoid in Dallas. For example South Dallas is notoriously known as a very bad area rife with crime. We found it somewhat unnerving to find out that in such a beautiful city that there were particular areas that could be potentially fatal for you to walk around?
I live in Sydney, Australia also a very large city but there are no areas that I can think of that I would be afraid even in daylight to walk around in?! An hour later we arrived in the city centre and headed towards one of the most famous spots in Dallas – where John Kennedy was shot and murdered on November 22, 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald.
As we neared the street where two painted X’s marked the spots where he was shot, vendors selling paraphernalia about that tragic day drew small crowds while explaining that particular day’s events, various theories and even copies of newspaper clippings.
I had seen the video footage of the shooting numerous times and I had thought the street they were on was much bigger, flat and with big buildings all around. In actuality the street isn’t that big and it’s also on a slope that winds down through a tunnel.
The infamous red brick building (the School Book Depository Bldg)that Lee Harvey was is in only has 7 floors, also the “Grassy Knoll” seemed to be nothing more than a little grassy mound with a few tiny shrubs ? Anyway, I guess what I’m trying to say is, is that it just seems almost impossible for no one to have noticed a supposed second gunman in those little bushes, one would have thought a sniper would have picked a less conspicuous spot.
Downtown Dallas is quite nice and being only a few days before Christmas we found it to be very quiet. We wandered into the Historic West End district, a really beautiful area with numerous little shops and restaurants. For lunch we found a nice pasta restaurant and got a real taste of that lovely Texas hospitality and fantastic food. The portions were certainly ‘Texas size’ with diet cokes served in 1 litre glasses! One thing is for sure you certainly get your money’s worth in Texas!
Next we caught their very cool old fashioned Mc Kinney Trolley which took us from the West End through the Arts District. It was a really great way to get to see more of the city and it was free! At the end of our tour we were still looking for some action so we lucked out by flagging a cab down and got him to take us to one of their massive shopping malls.
We arrived at the gigantic Galleria shopping centre and as soon as we stepped into the mall we were greeted with the biggest Christmas tree we’d ever seen! It was beautifully decorated and was situated right in the middle of a giant skating rink surrounded by hundreds of twirling bodies, what a beautiful sight!
Famous Place in Dallas
Demi Lovato is a vegetarian actress, musician

Birthday: August 20, 1992
Birth Place: Dallas, Texas, United States

Famous Place in Dallas

Famous Place in Dallas
Bio: Robin Virginia Wright is an American film actress who first became famous on television, playing Kelly Capwell on the soap opera Santa Barbara. She shot to stardom after her roles as Buttercup in The Princess Bride and Jenny in Forrest Gump, the latter role garnering her a Golden Globe Award…

Famous Place in Darjeeling

Famous Place in Darjeeling
 This city near Darjeeling is located at an altitude of about 1458 m and is famous for its scenic beauty with peace and tranquility all around.

Famous Place in Darjeeling
 Darjeeling, “the Land of the Celestial Thunderbolt”, is one amongst the most attractive hill resorts in India. The word ‘Darjeeling’ is originated from Tibetian word ‘Dorje’ which means ‘a precious stone or ecclesiastical scepter’ (which is emblematic of the thunderbolt of Indra), and ‘ling’ means ‘a place’. Therefore, Darjeeling literally means the land of the thunderbolt.The key attraction of the Darjeeling is the glory of nature at its best at its changing faces in different seasons. The most exciting way to visit Darjeeling from Siliguri on your holiday vacation to Darjeeling is by the “Toy Train”, officially well-known as the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR). The narrow gauge train wheezes its way up from the railhead at New Jalpaiguri (NJP) to Darjeeling, 2134 m above the sea level. This train has gained UNESCO World Heritage Status and is very famous among the travelers who travel with family and want to add some adventure into it. The Darjeeling region offers a magnificent view of four mountain peaks – the Everest, Kanchendzonga, Makalu and Lhotse.
In the North West corner of the Darjeeling, you can experience the cable car during your holiday vacations in Darjeeling. This is also the first passenger rope way in India, connecting the town to Singla Bazaar. With your family or your beloved one inside the cable car on your holiday vacation in Darjeeling, you can fully enjoy those few hour long journey that offers an outstanding view of the tea gardens and the mountains of Darjeeling. The Himalayan Mountaineering Museum located at Birch Hill contains an interesting contour model of the Himalayan peaks. This model will definitely tempt you to go for a trek in the adventurous Himalayas. The Himalayan Zoo situated adjoining to it is renowned too for its high altitude animals like Siberian tigers, snow leopards and red pandas.
Some very important highways in Darjeeling are the Hill Cart Road, The Mall and Laden Road. Amongst those The Mall road is the hub of Darjeeling. On your holiday vacations in Darjeeling you can enjoy pony rides, round the chowrasta sightseeing, the colorful market of the city. The Yoga Choeling Monastery located in the city has got frescoes of Buddhist god and fine-looking murals in the prayer hall.
Famous Place in Darjeeling

During your holiday vacations in Darjeeling, The Tiger Hill will offer you an impressive view of the mighty Everest and other peaks of the Eastern Himalayan Range as they grab the first rays of the Sun. If you are a nature enthusiast, then you can take a pre dawn drive to Tiger Hill to get the view of the finest sunrise of your life. It takes 45 minutes drive in a jeep from Darjeeling.
To the west of the Tiger Hill, a beautiful mountain lake called “Senchal Lake” is located which attracts a large number of tourists for its scenic beauty of water and azure sky. If you make your holiday vacation in Darjeeling during plucking seasons (from April to November), the Happy Valley Tea Estate, situated just beyond the town can be a pleasant tea garden to spend your holiday vacations in Darjeeling, sipping those world class tea.
War Memorial
built in the memory of brave, heroic soldiers who sacrificed their life in wars, War Memorial is worth a visit. It also provides striking views of snowy peaks in the backdrop.
Lloyds Botanical Garden
famous as a family picnic place, this colourful garden is situated below the Market Motor Stand. A variety of Himalayan plants, flowers, orchids etc. can be seen here.
The Shrubbery
Situated on the Jawahar Parbat just behind Raj Bhawan, the Shrubbery is also an attractive garden which offers superb views of Kanchenjunga Range and Singla Valley.
Famous Place in Darjeeling

Famous Place in Darjeeling

Famous Place in Denmark

Famous Place in Denmark
 Tivoli is always evolving without abandoning its original charm or traditions. As Georg Carstensen said in 1844, "Tivoli will never, so to speak, be finished," a sentiment echoed just over a century later when Walt Disney said of his own Tivoli-inspired theme park, "Disneyland will never be finished as long as there is imagination left in the world." Walt Disney during a trip overseas with his wife Lilly visited Tivoli
Gardens. Walt was so impressed with the Danish amusement park, he immediately decided Disneyland should try to emulate its "happy and unbuttoned air of relaxed fun."

Famous Place in Denmark
 From the National Museum in Copenhagen, cross the Frederiksholm Kanal to the island of Slotsholm on which stands Christiansborg Palace, seat of the Danish Government and Parliament (Folketing). This building also houses the Foreign Ministry, the Supreme Court and the Queen's Audience Chambers. Parliament and the Royal Rooms can be visited on guided tours.The palace occupies the site on which Bishop Absalon built the earliest fortifications of the city in 1167. Ruins of the bishop's castle, which was destroyed in the 14th C., as well as of the medieval fortress which passed to the crown under Erich von Pommern, were discovered when the present palace was being built and can now be seen by visitors.
Famous Place in Denmark
 William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy “Hamlet” takes place in the castle of Kronborg. Known by many as “Elsinore”, the castle is located in Elsinore (or Helsingor), North of Copenhagen. Immortalised by Shakespeare, it is a Renaissance castle built by Danish King Frederik II in 1574-84.
Famous Place in Denmark

Famous Place in Denmark
 I have also been in denmark and sweden but do not know the
names of the places, where I went....
I live in london so have seen  all the famous places here
and yeah I have also seen many places in pakistan (lahore & islamabad, murree)

and there are so many places where I want to go eagerly to!
Famous Place in Denmark
From January 14, 2008 the Centre will be offering a bolstered selection of foreign language courses, including Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Gaelic, Greek, Norwegian and Polish.
Each language course will last for 10 weeks, with classes running for 2 hours on either weekday evenings or Saturday mornings, covering 5 different levels: Beginners, Early Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced.
The Director of the Language Centre, Douglas Bell, said he remained eager to expand the Centre's already impressive linguistic range.
"The Chinese and Japanese courses that we introduced last term have been really popular and going by the number of daily inquiries that we receive, there is clearly room for us to broaden our scope even further.
"I'm particularly pleased to see us offering Polish, Danish and Norwegian, as all of these languages are becoming more and more important in Aberdeen, especially in the commercial sector. It's also great to be putting on classes in our local language Gaelic as the interest in this has really taken off. I think we have some really exciting days ahead."
For further enrolment details, contact the Language Centre directly at or 01224 27 2537.
The deadline for online applications is December 17 and University of Aberdeen students, staff and alumni can benefit from a £10 discount on the usual course price of £92.

Famous Place in Dehradun

Famous Place in Dehradun

Dehradun is the capital city of the dream valley of Uttaranchal state of India. Dehradun is the purest among all the states in India and is situated amidst of the mighty Himalayas, the holy Ganges and Yamuna and the pure Shivaliks. Dehradun is one of the major pilgrim destinations of India and attracts not only
holy Indian tourists but a lot of international crowd too. Dehradun is basically the hill resort which is the entry to the hilly regions of Garhwal. Dehradun is also famous for its prefect climate and spectacular natural beauty which makes it a major tourist hub of India.

Distances from other important cities of the country:
Delhi- 225km
Haridwar- 54km
Rishikesh-42 km
Agra-382 km
Shimla- 221 km
Yamunotri-279 km
Kedarnath-270 km
Nainital- 297 km
Best times to go: In summers Dehradun experiences temperature variations in range of 24 to 42 C and during winters it varies from 2 to 24 C, therefore its climate usually stays pleasant in most part of the year and tourists visit Dehradun in both summers and winters. In summers they tend to enjoy the pleasant cool of the hilly regions and in winters they love to enjoy the snow fall.
How to Reach Dehradun: Dehradun is easily accessible from any major city of India. The nearest airport to Dehradun is The Jolly Grant Airport, which is 25 km away from the main Dehradun valley. Flights from Delhi to The Jolly Grant are available if Delhi is your source destination. There are various train services also available, namely, Shatabdi express, Mussorie Express and the Dehradun Mumbai Express providing rail services to cities like Dehradun, Delhi, Mussorie, Mumbai, Varanasi, Kolkata and Lucknow. Dehradun is well connected to a large number of cities and states like Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal and Delhi, Agra, Kolkata, Chennai, Jaipur, Lucknow, Mumbai and Delhi by regular bus service.
Hotel in Dehradun: Some major hotels in Dehradun Valley are Vishranti Resort, Hotel Doon Castle, Shaheen Bagh, Hotel Meedos Grand, Hotel Raj Deluxe, Hotel Great Value, Hotel Inder Lok, Hotel Madhuban, Bharat Resorts Dehradun, Hotel Surbhi Palace and many more.
Important places to visit in Dehradun:
    • The office of Survey of India­- built in 1767 and consists of all kinds of old maps. They were the one who determined the height of Mount Everest.
    • Forest Research Institute: situated on Kaulagarh road of Dehradun. It is an institute that train forest officers and has total of six museums that display the best species of flora and fauna of India.
    • Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology: is a museum which displays the geological diversity of species in India.
    • Tapkeshwar Mahadeva Mandir: it is a cave temple of Indian god lord shiva or lord Mahadeva situated on banks of a seasonal river.
    • Tapovan: It is situated on Dehradun Rajpur road and is supposed to be the historical place where Dronacharya imparted his knowledge to the Kauravas and the Pandavas.
    • The Lakshman Sidh temple: the cave where Lakshman of Ramayana went for penance after killing Ravana.
    • Other important sites include Shakya Center, Robber’s cave, Shahastradhara, Malsi Deer Park and Rajaji National Park, Anthropological Survey of India, Botanical Survey of India, Indian Institute of Petroleum.
Famous Place in Dehradun

Famous Place in Dehradun

Famous Place in Dehradun
Famous Place in Dehradun

Famous Place in Dehradun
 Location: Uttarakhand
Area: 37.17sq.Kms
Significance: Capital of Uttarakhand
Altitude: 695m above sea level.
Climate: Summer 27°C to 30°C , Winter 12°C to 14°C.
Best Time to Visit: April - June, September - November
Capital of Uttarakhand Dehradun is a beautiful, cool and calm city nestled in the Shivalik ranges in the foothill of the mighty Himalaya. The city is believed to be founded by Guru Dronacharya and thus is popular as 'Adobe of Drona'.
The serenity of this small town attracts tourists, pilgrims and enthusiasts from all walks of life. The lush green Doon valley contributes to its exotic beauty and is a great spot for trekkers. The city is loveable to everyone be it aged person, a trekker or children. Because of its cool temperate climate tourists like to visit Dehradun all through the year.
The picturesque town has number of places of tourist interest.
Famous Place in Dehradun
38 Kms from Dehradun  is Mussoorie with its green hills and varied flora and fauna, is a fascinating hill station. It offers a  wonderful view of the Himalayan snow ranges to the north-east and the Doon Valley., Roorkee, Saharanpur and Haridwar to the South, creating an almost serene atmosphere for the tourists. Mussoorie was discovered by Captain Young, an adventurous military officer in 1827. He was lured by the extraordinarily beautiful ridge and laid the foundation of it. Mussoorie is also a Gateway to the “Gangotri” and the “Yamunotri” shrines.
 Mussoorie, the queen of hill stations, is famous for its  scenic beauty, gay social life and entertainment.  The excellent climate makes  it an attractive  holiday resort.  Thronged by holidayers, it vibrates  with  gaiety and  merry making during the summer season.  There are no steep  inclines  and the  more  adventurous can undertake enjoyable excursions  to  various  beauty spots  in  the  vicinity.   Mussoorie affords glorious  views  of  the  mights Himalayan peaks. Kempty falls which are about 11 kms. from the town attract hundreds of  people every  day.   The Bhatta falls are also famous for scenic beauty.   Though  the tourist  here is smaller than that of Kempty yet it is a picnic spot  near  to the  town.  Yet another  place  of interest in the town is Depot Hill, popularly known as 'Lal Tibba'.  It is the highest point in Mussoorie and beautiful Himalayan panorama is visible on  all clear  days  from  this spot.  The Badrinath,  Kedarnath,  Bandar-poonch,  Sri Kantha  and Nanda Devi peaks can be seen from here.  Camel's back hill can  be reached  by electric trolly.  The top commands a very beautiful view  both  of the  hills  as well as the valley.  On clear days, one can see even the  Ganga and  the  Yamuna from here.  Mussoorie is well connected by roads  with  Dehra Dun,  Delhi, Roorkee and Saharanpur.  There are some good  hotels,  recreation clubs and restaurants to cater to the needs of the tourist.

Famous Place In Dominican Republic

Famous Place In Dominican Republic
 Punta Cana is part of the newly Punta Cana-Bavaro-Veron-Macao municipal district in La Altagracia, the easternmost province of the Dominican Republic. Until recently it was one of the most remote and beautiful places on earth. The area is best known for its beaches, which face both the Caribbean and Atlantic, and it has been a popular tourist destination since the 1970s. The Punta Cana area has an estimated population of 100,000 with a growth rate of 6%.1 To the north, it borders the village and beach of Cabeza de Toro, and then the Bávaro and El Cortecito beaches. The nearest city, the 500-year-old capital of the Province Higüey, is 45 kilometres (28 mi) away, and it takes about an hour to drive there. Europeans, particularly Spanish hotel chains, own all but two of the 50+ megaresorts of the Punta Cana tourism destination.

Timezone in Punta Cana is in the “America/Santo_Domingo” timezone, commonly abbreviated EST. This timezone does not apply the Daylight Saving Time (DST) scheme – it uses standard time throughout the year. The offset to Universal Time (UTC, GMT or Zulu) is -4:00 hours._
The resort is located the east side of the Dominican Republic, famous for being home to the best beaches on the island. Punta Cana is considered to be one of the most desirable destinations by tourists who wish to get away from it all in a dreamlike setting in which they can relax, practise their favourite sports, play golf, eat fresh seafood on the sea shore or simply stroll along the endless beaches at sunset.

The complex of 320 thousand square meters and a low density in construction, has 1,823 rooms distributed in four resorts and 1,800 employees. One of its greatest examples of environmental conservation is not common and might pass unnoticed: right in the Centre of one of the hotels retain 150 meters of almost virgin forest populated with native and endemic plants and crossed by a footpath that, in seconds, puts the visitor in pure contact with nature.
The resort consists of four main areas. The Bavaro resort & Spa houses 636 rooms, The Punta Cana Resort & Spa has 451 rooms, and the Palace Resort Spa & Casino holds 364 rooms. Patrons staying in any of these areas have full use of all their facilities.
The Royal Suites Turquesa Beach/Swim up section is an adult’s only portion of the resort.
Famous Place In Dominican Republic
 After the cruise we spent seven days at the Dominican Republic.
Not so famous like Punta Cana and not so crowded like Boca Chica, the La Romana/Bayahibe region in the southeast of Dom Rep still offers beautiful beaches and nice resorts.

We stayed in Iberostar Hacienda Dominicus, offered peace and seclusion. Everything is surrounded by extensive tropical gardens. The flamingos there are very tame and familiar. Maybe you don't believe but they eat from my hand. I have never feed a wild bird from my hand before ... it was awesome!
Famous Place In Dominican Republic

I went on my holidays to the Dominican Republic back in 2005 with my husband. We stayed at the Sirenis Cocotal in Punta Cana, which is a five grade property. When we first arrived after a long flight we were surprised how beautiful the beach was, with pure white sands and crystal blue water. I knew this was going to be an unforgettable holiday.
On the first day we went down for breakfast and were shocked for a five star hotel at how bad the food was, cold beans and rock hard bacon or toast. It didn’t get any better for the rest of the week.
The hotel grounds were stunning and well kept, however, with gardeners always around working hard.
The rest of the week was spent in the hotel grounds. We didn’t venture out as the locals carried guns which you could clearly see from afar.
Most nights we sat in the lobby bar as the shows in the hotel were terrible, really bad dancers and singers. Some nights we stayed in our room and took advantage of the free mini bar as we were starving.
I was so glad we only went for a week, I would go back again but just to a different place and different hotel chain
Famous Place In Dominican Republic

Famous Place In Dominican Republic
 The all-inclusive 5 star resorts in the Caribbean are located on the famous Bavaro Beach. Playa Bavaro is one of the most beautiful beaches of the Caribe, where you can find white sands and crystal waters. Situated on 96 acres,  the resort  to blend bungalows rooms and a spectacular lake-style swimming pool.
Famous Place In Dominican Republic
Puerto Plata Dominican Republic is often referred as the Acapulco of the Caribbean.
It is located on the northern coast of Hispaniola and offers a rainbow of spectacular beaches in and around the city, beside lots of entertainment, fine restaurants and nightlife.
...And so many spectacular beaches.
Puerto Plata Dominican Republic is lined by the Malecon or waterfront boulevard, like in Santo Domingo and it features many open air restaurants and shops.
The world renowned sites around the city are Cofresi, Maimon, Luperon, Playa Dorada, Sosua, Cabarete and Playa Grande.

Famous Place in Delhi

Famous Place in Delhi
 Delhi has seen a number of dynasties rise and die in its soil for many centuries. Delhi attractions including monuments, cenotaphs and mausoleums of kings and queens fringed in the city still narrate the bloody heritage of the city. You will also be amazed to see the sky high forts and palaces depicting the grandeur of yore as you take tour of Delhi attractions. There are number of places to visit in Delhi which
steal visitor's heart for their grandeur and stunning architecture. Some of the famous Delhi tourist attractions which you should visit are -

Famous Place in Delhi

Built in the red sandstone, the magnificent Red Fort or Lal Qila is amongst important Delhi attractions. It is yet another creation by the Emperor Shah Jahan after Taj Mahal which will be remembered by the people eternally. It is a part of the walled city of Shahjahanabad in Old Delhi. Within its fortifications are exquisite palaces, a finely proportioned mosque, the Moti Masjid or Pearl Mosque, the Diwan-i-Am or hall of public audience and the finely ornamented Diwan-i-Khas or hall of private audience, where the Mughal emperors held court seated on the bejewelled golden Peacock Throne. The small holes on the walls of Diwan-i-Khas and Diwan-i-Am narrate the vacancy of the jewels and stones that were used to decorate the facade. Recently, Red Fort has been recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Not only has this increased the number of tourists visiting the magnificent fort, it has also made the authority and travelers more conscious in preserving this unique treasure of histoy.
The Red Fort Archaeological Museum
The Red Fort Archaeological Museum is situated in the Mumtaz Mahal of the Red Fort. It flaunts a rare collection of Mughal artifacts. One part of the museum is dedicated to Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar and exhibits the personal belongings of the Emperor. The silk robes embroidered with pearls and the silver hookah used by the emperor himself are the major attractions of the museum. The museum is open from 10 am to 5 pm and remains closed on Fridays.
Jama Masjid, The Royal Mosque
Located just opposite the Red Fort is the imposing Jama Masjid with its black and white striped onion domes and minarets is one of the largest and the most elegant mosques in India. The sprawling courtyard has a capacity to hold 25,000 devotees at a time. One of the major attraction of the mosque is the treasure room where a hair of the beard of Hazrat Muhammed, his used chappal, the canopy of his tombstone, the footprint of Muhammed on the stone and a chapter of Koran taken from its original holy book is kept. People following other religion are not allowed to enter the premises from 12:30-2 pm.
Famous Place in Delhi

Famous Place in Delhi
 Beautifully designed, the Baha'i House of Worship (also known as the Lotus Temple) is worth visitng Delhi attractions, built in the shape of a lotus. Its petals constructed in concrete and faced with white marble have an extraordinary lightness. Nine pools of water around the structure add to the illusion of a lotus floating in water. It belongs to the Baha'i Sect and is dedicated to the oneness of all religions. People of all faith can come and pray in the sprawling prayer hall. The temple remains open everyday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm.
Famous Place in Delhi

Famous Place in Delhi
Dominating the ruins of the earliest existing settlement of Delhi is the city's famous landmark- the Qutab Minar. The imposing victory tower is one of the most famous places to visit in Delhi measuring 73 metre in height. It was built by Qutbuddin Aibak (1192-98) the founder of the Slave Dynasty. The tapering, fluted structure has five storeys, each marked by intricately carved projections or balconies.

Elaborately carved pillars-which come from Hindu temples of the earlier setdement of Qila Rai Pithora embellish the courtyard of a nearby mosque. At the centre of the courtyard is the amazing Iron Pillar-the dhvaja stambha (flag pole) of a Vishnu Temple (4th-5th century AD). Cast in a process that is lost to the present world, the 7.2 metre pillar has not rusted through the centuries. Other interesting structures in die vicinity include die base of another unfinished tower - the Alai Minar.

Famous Place In Dubai

Famous Place In Dubai
 I’ve noticed that it’s really hot in Dubai (when I was there the summer of 1990, it was about 117°F, 47°C), and what they crave is cold. So, in addition to the Ice Lounge (see previous post), Dubai now also has Ski Dubai, an indoor ski resort complex–the third largest indoor snow park in the world. The snow is real, although artificially produced.

Famous Place In Dubai
 There are five runs, which range from beginner’s slopes to advanced. the quad chairlifts hold four persons each. Lessons from ski instructors are available. Americans say the conditions compare well with American slopes (which seem to be superior to European slopes, according to skiers who have skied on both). The complex includes three themed restaurants, one midway on the slopes. You can rent all ski equipment and ski clothing.
Famous Place In Dubai

Famous Place In Dubai

Famous Place In Dubai

Famous Place In Dubai

Famous Place In Dubai

Sunday 1 January 2012

Famous Abandoned Places

Famous Abandoned Places
 Much of America’s little-remembered history can be found in largely unknown structures scattered across the United States, some of which are silently falling apart. Many of these have amazing claims to fame and set records in their time – the world’s first auto assembly line or the largest brewery in the US – while others represent outdated building types that recall decades past or even generations

before our time. Also be sure to check out parts one and two of this series! Also note: there have been a few (good) format-related comments so just a heads up: scroll past the images to get a description of each structure!
Famous Abandoned Places
 This city was abandoned by its inhabitants in 1783. Today the authorities are trying to protect the remains of the city of visitors. Indian archaeological supervision even hung up on the main gate of the tablet with the inscription: “The entrance to the limits Bhangara before sunrise and after sunset is strictly prohibited. But this has more to do with the desire to protect visitors from potential hazards: the streets of the deserted city can roam wild animals, and there is no coverage. Historians claim that the city because of many objective reasons for the blight, and when in 1783 in those places severe famine broke out, the remaining residents chose to move to more prosperous places. But legend has it that the city put its curse Guru Bala Nath. Once Bala Nath said: “As soon as the shadow of your palaces touches me, the city will cease to exist!” But the proud rulers of the city did not heed him, and built a huge palace, whose shadow has touched the forbidden seekers guru. And the city was devastated, as predicted. Another legend says the following: in the city lived a beautiful princess, which fell for a sorcerer. He knew that the princess would never be his, so once waylaid her maid at the bazaar, when she bought the sweet butter, and put on oil curse. Once the oil has touched the princess, she was supposed to fall in love with the sorcerer. But the princess guessed about witchcraft and smashed a bottle of oil on the stone. The stone rolled to the dwelling warlock and squashed it. Dying, the sorcerer has cursed all the inhabitants of the city – they all had to die without the opportunity to be reborn. A year after the death of the sorcerer war broke out, and Princess irretrievably lost, along with residents of the city.
Famous Abandoned Places
 Cemetery equipment, especially ships always look majestic and awesome. Before us is a cemetery tug of Staten Island. The island itself is much more famous among the tourists a wonderful view, which opens at the Statue of Liberty and the beautiful panorama of the New York harbor. Set of tugs that came out of working order at the beginning of the twentieth century, is now rusting in the water away from the eyes of tourists.
Famous Abandoned Places