Wednesday 21 December 2011

Famous Place in Bahrain

Famous Place in Bahrain
 Bahrain, a small island kingdom in the Persian Gulf, is famous for its oil and pearls, and it's also a shopping Mecca for the budget traveler. While the markets of neighboring gulf countries attract the elite, local souks in this archipelago are a paradise for the cosmopolitan middle class. These souks, or commercial areas, house
imported luxury products that can be within many budgets, provided you're up for a little bargaining. Travelers can also purchase traditional items including authentic red clay pottery, weaving products, traditional clothes, and baskets. The Bani Jamra and A'ali village are excellent places to buy traditional local items. The Bani

Famous Place in Bahrain
Jamra, a village situated in the north west of the island country, is popular for its fabric weaving, and the local weavers sell intricately woven fabric to travelers at an affordable price. The A'ali village in Bahrain is famous for its red-clay pottery. The ancient process of creating Bahraini pottery work is still followed by the local potters in the village.
Famous Place in Bahrain
For those who are looking for a more expensive Bahrain travel souvenir, it's worth visiting the boutiques in the Osama Bin Zaid Road in Manama. It houses some of the best designer outfits, accessories and jewelry. Travelers looking for the best in high-end luxury goods should head straight towards the Moda Mall, which is located in the first floor of the 787-foot Bahrain World Trade Towers in the capital city, while those interested in gold will enjoy wandering through the glittering Gold City in central Manama. Travelers can purchase some of the finest gold bangles and accessories from a variety of gold shops in Central Manama's Gold City.
Besides shopping, there are numerous things to do during vacations in Bahrain. Water sports in the gulf's warm waters are especially popular, and tourists often spend time surfing, scuba diving, and sailing. There are plenty of hotels, and there is also an international 18-hole grass golf course, which is located twenty minutes away from the capital city of Manama. Known as the Royal Golf Club, this par-72 championship course resembles an exotic oasis in the desert plains and features numerous date palms and artificial lakes.
A trip to the nearby Hawar Islands can also be an excellent option for Bahrain holidays. Situated in the Gulf of Bahrain, these islands are home to many endangered wildlife species, including the beautiful flamingos and dolphins frolicking in the calm gulf seas. In 2002, the Hawar Islands were recognized as a World Heritage Site because of its unique habitat for endangered species. Travelers can access this group of sixteen islands by taking a 45-minute boat ride from Bahrain.
An archipelago of more than 30 islands, Bahrain was the first country in the Arabian Gulf to discover "black gold," and it has remained famous for its oil. On October 16, 1931, an oil well was found near the Jebel Dukhan hill, and today there's an oil museum located close to the site. A trip to the oil museum is an excellent way to learn about local history during vacations in Bahrain. The museum exhibits underground rock samples and old drilling equipment, as well as detailed information about companies that helped in the exploration of the oil well. The oil museum attracts thousands of tourists who are keen to know about the history of oil in the Middle East.
Non-Muslims and Westerners are welcome to spend their vacations in Bahrain, and its more Western-friendly tourism industry may feel more comfortable than what is found in other Middle Eastern countries, due to the kingdom's not applying Islamic law to visitors. Compared with other gulf countries, this island kingdom's laws are liberal about social behavior such as drinking alcohol. It is always wise to be respectful, however, and keep in mind that both consuming alcohol in public, and drinking and driving, are illegal and may bring fines or even jail time.
Bahrain travel is most popular during the months of November through March, when the sweltering heat subsides and the cool climate greets travelers. If you have trouble with hot weather, it might be best to avoid visiting between May and September, as the high temperatures and hot sun might hamper your trips to the marketplaces and other areas of interest. Air travel is typically the easiest option to reach the country. The Bahrain International Airport is located outside the capital city in Muharraq and offers flights via Dubai and other destinations. Once in the country, the best Bahrain travel options are taxis, buses, and rental cars. Buses are by far the cheapest option, but however you choose to get around, you're sure to find this archipelago to be an intriguing destination and a fascinating introduction to the Middle East.

Famous Place in Bahrain
 Bahrain – a chain of around 30 islands – has been a haven for tourists from the region, who take advantage of its relaxed social environment. A close ally of the US, it is home to the American navy’s Fifth Fleet.
Bahrain has a very interesting history . It become a human settlement long back in the past. The gulf country of Bahrain is situated in such a place as it has been a preferred kingdom for various ruling powers in history. Bahrain has been even proposed as the appropriate place to call the Biblical Garden of Eden.
Through historical times, one after another power has ruled in Bahrain. Bahrain was the kingdom of the famous Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks and Persians. It was the Arabs that was the final ruling power in Bahrain and under their rules Bahrain has come to known as a Muslim country.
Famous Place in Bahrain

 Bahrain's new face is really amazing. Durrat Al Bahrain is a place ofinspiration. In the blue waters of Bahrain is located around, Durrat AlBahrain modern world's best and

Famous Place in Barcelona

Famous Place in Barcelona
 Spain Destination
Taking time to travel to Spain is a best way for a great way for a travel destination. A country that is full of life histories of century and a country of a larger itinerary. If you plan to for a travel destination in Spain, you have to make a plan ahead of time to avail some Spain vacation packages to lessen your travel expenses. Places that are a must to visit in Spain that is famous for a Spain cultural vitality are the Madrid’s place which is in Museo Naciona Del Prado and in Barcelona the Museo De Arte Moderno. Spain also offers a various activity which is the Flamenco show that can be seen mostly in the street and an ambiance to relax at the Salamanca at the café on the Plaza.

Traveler has lots of options to enjoy in places in Spain. You all have your choices of fun you desire by exploring the most famous places in Spain such as Barcelona, Madrid, Cordoba and more.  A spectacularly bizarre mountain in Andalusia that is you will enjoy skiing every spring morning. During the Spain local village fiesta, you will enjoy partying all night and eat some Tapas while sitting in the bar drinking their wine. Try also to visit the designed of the famous sculptures of some buildings in Barcelona and Madrid who is Anthony Gaudi. In Spain, catch some of the tapping music known and stamp your heel called Flamenco. Give time to travel to Spain and explore the famous places to have a great lifetime memories.
Famous Place in Barcelona
  Tourists of Barcelona hôtel also say that Barcelona city is well known in the world, because of the 1992 World Heritage Sites. In Barcelona you can also find the headquarters of the Union for Mediterranean. Barcelona is also known as the city of Beaches, because Barcelona have seven wonderful and enjoyable beaches to visit. Barcelona city also has very beautiful architecture also. The Barri Gotic is the center of the old city of Barcelona and the many of its buildings date from medieval time. The Sagrada Familia, which is a unfinished church, is the best known work in the Barcelona city of Spain. Overall we can say that Barcelona is very interesting city of Belgium and one of the most dynamic and exciting cities on the western Mediterranean seaboard, and you must visit it and stay in Hotels Barcelona if you really want to make your vacations more enjoyable.
Famous Place in Barcelona
 While enjoying in Barcelona hotel you also find that Barcelona is one of the most visited cities in Spain, and every year millions of tourists visit this city. Barcelona attractions are very famous in the world and because of them Barcelona is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. While vacationing in oferta especial Barcelona, if you must visit its famous tourists attractions, otherwise your trip to Barcelona will be incomplete. Placa Catalunya, Magic Fountain of Montjuic, La Rambla, Sagrada Familia, Parc Guell, Port Vell, Casa Mila, Cathedral del Seu and Columbus Monument are some famous tourists attractions in Barcelona. Let us discuss some of them.
La Sagrada Família also known as the Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família. It is one of the most prestigious and important sites in Barcelona, and you must visit it while vacationing in hotel in Barcelona center. La Sagrada Família is still unfinished Catholic and it will be completed in 2026. This beautiful attraction of Barcelona, was designed by the talented Antoni Gaudi. This beautiful church has 12 towers which representing the Twelve Apotles. Overall we can say that it is a very interesting attraction of Barcelona city and you must visit it if you really want to make your vacations more enjoyable.
Famous Place in Barcelona
 Sagrada Familia is an unforgettable sight. Designed by the famous architect Gaudi, the cathedral is still unfinished, but the intricate details of the arches and towers, and the stunning tile work and carvings on the façade of the building are unique in architecture. Sagrada Familia means Sacred Family in Spanish, and the cathedral is a monument to religion. Visitors are greeted by the large stone statues and designs covering the front of the cathedral, and for only 8 Euros tourists are able to climb the many steps up the cathedral's towers, for an incredible view overlooking the city.
Famous Place in Barcelona

Famous Place in Bihar

Famous Place in Bihar
 Two of Patna's most photographed structures - Golghar and the Biscomaun Building (in the background).

Situated in Eastern India, Bihar was previously known as Magadha and is one of the prominent centers of Indian culture and education. This erstwhile kingdom of Ashoka The Great is also the birthplace where
Buddhism first took roots. A landlocked state, Bihar shares its borders with Nepal on the north, Uttar

Famous Place in Bihar
Pradesh on the west, West Bengal on the east and Jharkhand to the south. Blessed with some of the most amazing topographical features which include waterfalls, lakes, forests and rivers, Bihar is also where one can find great architectural monuments belonging to the Mughal and Hindu era. Tourism although in its infancy holds unlimited potential and tourists can look forward to a memorable and pleasant travel experience. Visitors arriving to all major cities and tourist destinations in Bihar will find a wide range of three star hotels and budget hotels which offer fabulous deals and packages for most part of the year.

Famous Place in Bihar

In the Buddhist circuit tours, Lumbini is the most important places to be visited. As Lord Buddha was born there situated in the western Nepal. Another important place is Gaya which is today counted among one of the most famous places in Bihar. This is the place where Gautam Buddha attained Enlightenment or the knowledge of life. Gaya is also known as one of the pilgrimage for the Hindus. Gaya is located on the Banks of river Falgu and people come here to perform rituals which provides peace to the departed soul of their ancestors.

Famous Place in Bihar
The Bodhi tree under which Buddha performed his meditation is located here. The Maha Bodhi temple of Bodh Gaya is one of the important places of worship for the Buddhists. Gaya and the sister town of Bodh Gaya are both small towns which can be seen in one day. Bodh Gaya is a peaceful town which has attracted not only domestic tourists and Buddhist but also visitors from the West who want to know about Buddhism and learn meditation. During the winters Tibetans come here and stay. Many times the Dalai Lama spends December in Bodh Gaya. The charm of this place is due to the visitors and tourists and when they leave, it seems that they have taken the glamour of this place.
The other important tourist places associated with Buddhist circuit are: Sanchi, Vaishali, Nalanda, Amravati and Nagargunakonda. All these places together are known as the famous Buddhist circuit in India. Sarnath near Varanasi is an important center of the Buddhist world where he delivered his first sermon and set in motion the wheel of law, the Dharmachakra. Buddhism germinated in Sarnath .Nalanda is the famous education center of Buddhism.

Famous Place in Beijing

Famous Place in Beijing
 I know, I know - China was so last month! I have photos from Portugal, but unfortunately I brought neither power adaptor nor computer cable for my camera, so those images are still waiting to be processed. But here are some images from famous places in Beijing that I visited for the first time, or that I have not visited in 10 years. The first is the Temple of Heaven, conveniently located near my hotel (the one I stayed in after I
returned from Singapore). I call it the "Great Cookie Jar," because to me it does kind of look like a cookie jar. Plus, it's the place where the emperor and his retinue used to go to pray for good harvests. This building, the most famous Temple of Heaven building, is actually the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests.

Famous Place in Beijing
 Beijing is a famous oriental city with profound history and splendid culture. You will be captivated by the magnificent Forbidden City, the scenic Summer Palace, the majestic Great Wall and the artistic Yuanmingyuan Garden. The tours to these scenic historical sites after watching the Olympic Games will surely leave you many fond memories of this trip.
Famous Place in Beijing

Famous Place in Beijing
 The Great Wall lasts from the Chinese east coast all the way to the west desert inside Gansu province. In Beijing, you can see the Great Wall at several places. The most famous and convenient place is Badaling shown here in picture 1
Famous Place in Beijing

Famous Place in Berlin

Famous Place in Berlin

 Political confrontation between the western allies and the USSR led to the creation of the "two Germanies" - FRG in the west and GDR in the east in 1949 and 12 years later the construction of the famous Berlin Wall (Berliner Mauer) began. This had separated the city not only topographically but architecturally and culturally
as well: officials from the both sides - the eastern and western ones - were disregarding the reconstruction plans of the other side and creating the image of the city according to the "instructions from above". As a result eastern and western Berlin do have different appearance and cultural "message"

Famous Place in Berlin
from Berlin, GERMANY

There are some cities where one can feel trapped in, enchanted by and at the same time ever surprised with. One of such cities is Berlin. Berlin is the city that had survived long and turbulent history which had endowed it with a special spirit and atmosphere. The city bears the specific air of the eclectic union, of the mosaic gathering and uniting the seemingly incompatible elements and detail. No wonder, Berlin had always been united through division and vice versa.

Berlin arose from the two twin-towns - Berlin and Koeln - which were first mentioned in the late 1230's early 1240's. Later in the early 1300 both towns melted together by building a common city hall. This time is considered to be the beginning of the history of Berlin as a city.

Checkpoint CharlieBerlin had incorporated the suburbs step by step and it actually never managed to "digest" them properly to form a homogeneous product - city itself. All its districts, which were separate towns and suburbs before, still preserve their special characteristic features. Moreover, these districts and towns were legally united into a city only in the 20th century: only after WWI in 1920 the famous Big Berlin Decree was issued - the one following the proclamation of the German Republic.

During WWII an enormous part of Berlin was destroyed and later it was divided into four sectors of influence by the allies: USA, Great Britain and France took over the western part and the eastern part fell to the USSR.

Political confrontation between the western allies and the USSR led to the creation of the "two Germanies" - FRG in the west and GDR in the east in 1949 and 12 years later the construction of the famous Berlin Wall (Berliner Mauer) began. This had separated the city not only topographically but architecturally and culturally as well: officials from the both sides - the eastern and western ones - were disregarding the reconstruction plans of the other side and creating the image of the city according to the "instructions from above". As a result eastern and western Berlin do have different appearance and cultural "message".

Fall of Berlin WallTherefore when in 1989 the Berlin Wall was eventually destroyed on the initiative of the people living in the eastern part of the city (the one under the protectorate of the USSR) and shortly after in 1990 "the two Germanies" were united into the Federal Republic of Germany, its capital - Berlin - appeared to be anything but a homogeneous city.

Time passed but modern Berlin is still very different from all the other European capitals. It is very decentralized, culturally first of all. Each district bears the memory of the times when it used to be a separate town with own churches, own rules and entertainment places. This is very convenient however, because one is guaranteed to find his/her own "corner", to find a place where one would fit in all respects and enjoy the diversity of the (night) life of Berlin. This city is sometimes called the European New York - because of its multiculturalism. Indeed, Berlin is one of the most multi-ethnical and multinational cities of Europe, on the streets of which many languages are spoken, representatives of all races can be seen and the unexpected fusion of the archetypical German features with the features of other nations can be observed and enjoyed. And of course Berlin is the capital of different cultural festivals and events, exhibitions and performances: Berlinale, International Theatrical Festival, Love Parade, Carnival of Cultures, Sounds like Home music festival, Fete de la Musique, Jazz Fest Berlin, and many others.
Famous Place in Berlin

The spirit of the city is reflecting its past and present interlacing them with people, memories and languages into a phantasmagoric, mobile and ever changing, ever surprising through the union of the divided canvas.

Famous Place in Berlin

Berlin, the capital city of Germany is the biggest city in the country. It is most famous for its historical places, nightlife, cafes, clubs, bars, museums, palaces, and further sightseeing options.
After the fall of the Berlin War, the city has become a genuine melting pot as far as culture is concerned. It has become a place where all types of art, music, and fashion come together.
The city has numerous museums. Museums managed by the government do not need to be paid for to enter four hours prior to their shutting down each Thursday, and there is also the three day Museum Pass which lets visitors have admission to about 70 museums.
Famous Place in Berlin

Museumsinsel, also known as Museum Island is famous for housing the Pergamon Museum which has a huge compilation of Greek and Islamic art. Additional museums on the island consist of the Altes Museum with Egyptian collections, the Alte National galleries with mostly German collections, and the Bode Museum with Byzantine art.
Famous Place in Berlin
You can discover a lot of museums that cover the history of the country, particularly the Holocaust. In addition, Berlin is one of those few cities that do not attempt to conceal the negative sides of its history. You can view remnants of the Berlin Wall as well as Jewish museums that cover the Holocaust.
The Deutches Historisches Museum has an enormous assortment of German history items covering all ages. This museum is extremely huge, so make sure you have sufficient stamina to spend hours looking at the whole thing. The Judisches Museum is the Jewish museum. There are many historical items about Jews in Germany in this museum. In addition there is a Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe which covers one entire block. There is an underground museum with information concerning the Holocaust. This is one of the most visited as well as most striking museums in Berlin.
The Berlin Wall may not be there anymore, but a portion of it is still visible along the river. This has been preserved as a gallery, and there are very nice murals on it. There is also a Berlin War Memorial for those that died crossing the wall. There is a viewing platform that lets you imagine exactly what it must have been like when the wall was still in place. Checkpoint Charlie used to be a crossing point between the two sides of Germany, and is also well worth a visit.
The Tempelhof airport is the airport that was used for the duration of the Berlin Airlift in 1948. There is now a memorial here to remember the airlifts around the blockade. This airport has also been featured in numerous films, and has a matchless architecture. With its countless halls and buildings, it was built to become an entry point to Europe, and is still one of the most enormous buildings in the world.
Berlin is an amazing city to see for tourists, and if you can only go to one city in Germany then you should go to Berlin. Its history will help you connect to it, and you will be haunted the rest of your life by many of the historic sites you see here.  Author: Robert M Freeman

Famous Place in Bolivia

Famous Place in Bolivia
 Along the southern shores of Lake Titicaca, the town of Copacabana is most well known for its Christian pilgrimage shrine of the Virgen de la Candelaria, also called the ‘Dark Virgin.’ Before the Christian use of the site there was an Inca Temple of the Sun, from which native pilgrims sailed to the sacred islands of the Sun and the Moon. According to Christian legends, in 1576 some Inca fisherman were caught in a raging storm upon Lake Titicaca. While praying for divine assistance, Mary appeared and led them to safety. In gratitude they decided to build a simple shrine and install a statue of the Madonna. The native Inca craftsman, Tito Yupanqui sculpted the image, made of dark wood and approximately four feet tall, in 1576. Placed in a
chapel in 1583, which was enlarged in 1619, the statue soon became famous throughout Bolivia and Peru as a miracle causing icon. The present cathedral, completed in 1805, is the most visited pilgrimage site in Bolivia
and there are hugely attended festivals on the February 1-3, the saint’s day, May 23 (San Juan’s Day) and the first few days of August. The festival in August is extremely popular and Indian groups perform traditional dances accompanied by drums, flutes and pipes. During the festival periods a copy of the statue of Mary is adorned in colorful robes and precious jewels, and then take on processions around the town of
Famous Place in Bolivia
Copacabana. The statue is also taken by boat into Lake Titicaca in order to bless the waters. The original statue is never taken outside because of fears that great storms may arise. Called ‘La Coyeta’ by Aymara and Quechua Indians, the Virgen de la Candelaria is Bolivia’s patron saint. Some people associate the name Copacabana with nightclubs or the famous beach of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, but they derive their names from the Virgen of Copacabana who once saved some Brazilian fishermen from another violent storm on Lake Titicaca.
Famous Place in Bolivia
The Che Guevara statue at the site of his death in Bolivia

Natural Resources in Bolivia

Bolivians regularly remark that their country is a poor man seated on a throne of gold.  Bolivia is one of the poorest countries in South America, sitting atop disproportionate quantities of natural resources. Bolivia is famous for its mines, known to the Incas and later exploited by the Spanish, as well as the second largest natural gas field in South America after Venezuela. Furthermore, the mountain El Mutu'n houses huge reserves of iron and magnesium.
Single Commodity Focus in Bolivia
Several explanations have been proposed for the unsatisfactory performance of resource-rich countries. There are several external factors, among them changes in terms of trade and price volatility, as well as internal factors associated with the mismanagement of natural resource rents.
The prices of primary goods, such as the silver, iron, and oil that Bolivia relies upon, are more volatile than those of manufactured goods. Thus, heavy reliance on just a few natural resources, combined with state overspending during booms and property confiscations during busts, subjects the country to high levels of volatility. For example, in the 1980s, a collapse in the world price of tin precipitated hyperinflation and
Famous Place in Bolivia
economic collapse in Bolivia. Another external problem is that natural resource export booms cause an appreciation in the exchange rate, which hurts the competitiveness of the manufacturing export sectors, causing stunted growth in these alternative sectors. When natural resource prices slide, the country is left with crippled alternative export sectors. The phenomenon is often referred to as "Dutch Disease."
But Bolivia's internal problems are serious as well. The availability of natural resource rents has diverted government efforts away from the process of productive wealth creation in Bolivia and into unproductive rent-seeking behavior, including corruption. Abundance of natural resources coupled with the high ethnic diversity and economic inequality has meant that the funds from natural gas are not invested in education or human capital development.
Famous Place in Bolivia
Nationalization of Oil and Gas Industries
When current Bolivian president Evo Morales won the December 2005 elections he promised to be Washington's "worst nightmare." (A title currently held by his friend Hugo Chavez). Nationalization of oil and gas was a key theme in Morales' election campaign. The revenues were to be used for improvement of living standards in South America's poorest country. And support for nationalization has been building steadily.
The Morales Administration
The Morales administration attempted to increase state control over natural gas companies, the country's largest resource. Bolivian officials revamped the defunct state-owned oil company, and acquired majority ownership of five gas production, transportation, refining, and storage companies. Plans are in the works to increase state control over other sectors as well, including mining, electricity, telecommunications, transportation and forestry. Nationalizing natural gas would give the government access to much needed funds and take them out of the hands of foreign investors. But this was a big gamble for Morales, because capital generally avoids governments which attempt to enslave it.
On May 1st 2006 Evo Morales nationalized the country's oil and gas resources. This came as no surprise to international investors. Nationalizing oil had been a major theme in Morales election campaign, and the announcement came a day after a meeting with Chavez and Cuban leader Fidel Castro to sign a trade agreement called the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas. But petropolitics could prove risky for Bolivia, a tiny, poor country. Morales described the takeover as "historic", the reality may be less so.
Extracting Higher Revenues from Brazil
Famous Place in Bolivia
Despite the use of military to secure the oil and gas fields, many believe that the takeover was more a means to extract higher revenues from buyers and less of an actual takeover. Therein lies the risk. Bolivia may have the second largest natural gas reserves, but it lacks the resources and expertise to commercialize them. Alienating Brazilian and Spanish oil companies therefore may cut Bolivia off from its chief markets.
Presently Morales is toying with countries assumed to be his natural allies. Brazil's national oil company, Petrobras, has invested nearly $1 billion in Bolivia and is the country's largest national gas producer and customer. But on May 3rd 2005 Petrobras president announced the company was suspending all new investment in Bolivia, including proposed expansion of a Brazil-Bolivia pipeline.
The Movement towards Resource Nationalism
Despite the risks, Morales is not alone in his movement towards resource nationalism, in Latin America this has been a response to failure in economic development, the persistence of widespread poverty and fatal attraction to populism. Bolivia may well choose to charge higher prices for its natural resources, but what it needs is a government with policies, as opposed to attitudes.
In the footsteps of his friend and supporter Chavez, Morales has chosen to concentrate his power by standing for re-election. Morales' party, the MAS (movement towards socialism) is rewriting the constitution. Under the new constitution it would not be re-election, but a new election, implying that Morales could seek a five year presidential term ending in 2018. While in office, he would be well advised to carefully consider the best mechanisms for allocating and monitoring the use of revenues derived from the current high natural gas prices. Fortunately, domestic Bolivian opposition to Morales is much more geographically concentrated and assertive than in Venezuela, where Hugo Chavez, Morales' ideological next-of-kin, has proven able to liquidate economic and political opposition. Morales, on the other hand, does not seem to have the political strength to perform a similar feat. He has also infuriated Brazil, his erstwhile ally, by attempting to confiscate the assets of Petrobras. Morales may be a pitbull, but political constraints have effectively caged him in a way that renders his "Chavista" tendencies relatively harmless.

Famous Place In Bali

Famous Place In Bali
 Good Place in Bali - The shade of a tropical paradise is the first impression that can come to your mind when you think of Bali. The atmosphere of paradise is always felt when you spend your time enjoying a variety of exciting activities on the island. Indonesians reflect the beauty of this island, calling the island of the Gods. Bali is the most beautiful Indonesian island and province in which a number of tourist sites and scenic
beauty impressive rich cultural heritage can be found. This destination is favored by visitors from around the world for its natural beauty and cultural celebration year. Bali is located just south of the equator and little has many beautiful white sand beaches are warmed by the tropical sun and cooled by gentle breezes and
There are a number of beaches in Bali you can visit including Sanur Beach, which is celebrated as a famous surfing and snorkeling site, Nusa Dua Beach, whose coastline is adorned with beautiful limestone, Tanah Lot, where you will find a beautiful Hindu temple built on a huge rock outcrop overlooking the sea and the beach of Kuta, the most important shore of Bali, where tourists can spend their free time sunbathing, swimming, surfing and other exciting water sports and hobbies time. There are also several small beaches that are worth visiting as the Blue Ocean Beach, near Seminyak, Dreamland Beach, located on the Bukit Peninsula, Padang-Padang Beach and the beach of Blue Point near Uluwatu. People who visit Bali you will feel a comforting and exhilarating experience they will never forget as long as they live.
Famous Place In Bali

Good Place in Bali - The most important thing you need to prepare when you visit Bali is to secure your home. If you stay in Bali for a few days, spend your nights in one of the many hotels in Bali can be a good decision. However, if you decide to spend more time on the island and want more comfortable accommodations, choosing to stay in a villa is an excellent decision. There are many obvious reasons why stay in a villa is best to stay in a hotel for longer stays in Bali. The main reason is that the city offers much greater comfort. A house that becomes your temporary home away from home is usually equipped with all conveniences at home such as furniture full bedrooms, a kitchen, toilets, etc. so you have your basic necessities conveniently within reach hand. Additional facilities that you can have when you stay in a villa includes a private pool and a full support staff.

There are a number of beautiful villas in Bali that you can rent for your temporary accommodation. However, deciding on a villa for rent for the accommodation of the most pleasant really need careful consideration. Because the reason you are visiting Bali to enjoy your holiday, you must ensure that the villa you rent is located near the popular tourist resorts and attractions. Consider choosing a villa with a good transportation access so you can reach it easily and conveniently. If you rent a villa with two beneficial features, consider choosing one that is near Seminyak. Seminyak is located just north of Kuta and Legian and is available directly from the Bali International Airport by taxi for a flat fee of about $ 7. Seminyak is a village that blends traditional and modern life that are casual. Shopping malls, upscale restaurants and cafes, art galleries, the beach of Blue Ocean, and various recreational facilities are nearby so you can easily access these recreational activities.
Famous Place In Bali

Many elite restaurants can be found in Seminyak, including the show in which a modern French menu influenced by Asian flavors is made; Sarong, an elite restaurant elegant and spacious, Ku De Ta, a combination restaurant, bar and entertainment venue, Hu U Bar, which has a more unique menu, Cocoon, a jet-setters' restaurant offers delicious Mediterranean cuisine and potato beach for those who like to eat while enjoying the scenery from the beach . Seminyak is also known as the land of villas where a number of fully furnished villas with private pools, full staff and even a private chef are available, all within walking distance of the beach and other leisure facilities. A number of villas in Seminyak recommended that you can rent include Villa Lucia, with traditional Javanese atmosphere, Pablo Villa, located in the center of the fashion of Seminyak, Vila Asta, a luxurious and peaceful 5 residential rooms, as well as many other cities that are listed in local guidebooks. Excellent transport links and leisure facilities are close to Seminyak the best place to stay during your visit to Good Place in Bali.

 Sanur Beach is a place of wayfaring famous tourist island of Bali. This place is located just east of Denpasar, the capital of Bali. Sanur located in the Municipality of Denpasar.Sanur Beach in particular is the location for surfing (surfing). Especially the surf beach of Sanur is famous among foreign tourists. Not far off Sanur Beach there are also dive and snorkel sites. Because of his condition were friendly, the location of these submarines can be used by divers of all levels of expertise.

Sanur Beach is also known as Sunrise beach (sunrise beach) as opposed to from Kuta Beach.Because of its location which is located on the eastern island of Bali, the Bali beach is a ideal location to enjoy the sunrise or sunrise. It makes it more interesting sights, there is even a segment on Sanur beach is a beach called the Rising Sun at sunrise because the scenery is very beautiful when seen from there.

Famous Place In Bali

Along the coast of Bali is a fitting place to see the sunrise. Especially now built a kind of sanderan containing tiny huts that can be used as a place to sit to wait for sunrise. In addition, the waves at this beach is relatively quiet so it is suitable for recreational beach scene kids and not dangerous.

In addition, visitors can see the sun rise with a swim at the beach. Some areas of this beach has white sands of the exotic. Equipped with shade trees, visitors can sit while enjoying roasted corn or spring rolls that many vendors peddled.

Along the beach resorts of Bali have now been equipped with tour support in the form of hotels, restaurants or small cafes and art shops. Also, along the coastline were also constructed such a pedestrian area that is often used as a jogging path by tourists or local people. The line was stretched to the south past the coast Shindu, Coral beach until Semawang so that tourists can exercise while enjoying views of the beach in the morning.

Famous Place In Bali
Bali Indonesia is known to as one of the popular destination getaway paradise in Indonesia. Bali is also the home of the best beaches in the world. Tourist and visitors come to Bali Indonesia to enjoy the world-class beaches. This famous place in Indonesia is also popular to veterans and professional surfers worldwide because Bali Indonesia is one of the best surfing spots in Asia and the whole world. Local and foreign tourist especially surfers wants to ride the beautiful barrels and glassy great waves that the waters of Bali has to offer. And because Bali is the home of the best surfing beaches, it is tag as the surfing destination paradise in Indonesia.
Bali was discover to have great and magnificent waves that is excellent for surfing in 1930 and since then, surfing in this paradise island began. The surfing spots in Bali become a major and popular tourist destination in Indonesia. The waters of Bali ensures surfers that it will give great waves all year round because this paradise island is situated in the southern Indian Ocean. Bali Indonesia is an excellent a destination paradise where you can find the perfect waves. Tourists and visitors go to Bali to have the ultimate surfing experience of their life.
There are a number of best surfing beaches in Bali. There are many professional and novice surfers come from all over the world in Bali to ride the endless great waves on the beaches of Bali. All the surfing beaches in Bali are beginner friendly. Below is the list of the best surfing beaches of Bali.
  1. Kuta Beach
    Kuta beach is the famous of all surfing beaches in Bali. The Kuta beach is situated in the southwestern Bali. This white sandy beach sports great quality waves that is excellent for professionals and novice surfers. The average length of the waves in Kuta beach could be as short as 50m but on a great day, it could go thrice as much its length.
  2. Padang Padang Beach
    The Padang Padang Beach is an ultimate destination for tourist and visitors who don’t want too many people. The Padang Padang beach is also popular to professional and novice surfers. This beach is also a surfing beginner’s learning paradise. If you don’t know how to surf, then their are many local guides who can teach you how to surf. The best swell direction being south-south westerly, the swell size can go from 50m long on an average day to up to 300m on a great surf day.
  3. Balangan Beach
    The Balangan beach has an awesome panoramic view with great surfing waves that is excellent for surfing. The Balangan beach is situated on the western side of the peninsula of Bukit between Kuta and Uluwatu. On a usual day the waves is about 15m high but sometimes it doubles it height on a great day. One of the greatest attractions of this hidden wonder, is the fact that it remains more or less secluded on week days, and hence a terrific opportunity to enjoy the surf, sea, and sun.
  4. Uluwatu Beach
    The Uluwatu Beach also offers an excellent and breathtaking view. Uluwatu’s captivating coral reef beach with its big waves is really a fantasy come true for any surfer. The swell of the Uluwatu surf is often described as hollow and fast. Tourists and visitors who love surfing will have a great surfing experience in Uluwatu Beach and it includes by walking down from the top of the reef hill to reach the beach itself. Surfers will experience a breaking surf up to 15m high on normal days. But on a great day, surfers will enjoy the 30m high breaking surf.
Best Season to Surf in Bali
The best month to surf in Bali is in July where the water is cool and the skies are very clear. The western side of this paradise island can get a favorable trade winds. Strong offshore winds contribute to the big swells rushing up to the west coast.
From December to March, the rainy season hits and the wind shifts to favor the eastern side of the island.

Monday 19 December 2011

Famous Place In Bangkok

Famous Place In Bangkok
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I was happy to be home and have my once in a blue moon dose of roti canai Pak Ya, but my heart goes to the Japanese.

Hmm...where next, you say?

 Chatuchak Weekend Market is a famous weekend market where you can find everything you desire. Here, you will be enthused with interesting things such as books, a small image of Buddha, souvenirs, home décorations, trees, pets, clothes, shoes, bags etc.
Open:Saturday and Sunday,from 7am to about 6 pm.
At Bangkok the famous place to do songkran festival is SA-NAM-LUANG ( สนามหลวง ),Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) provide a lot of activities for people to joint for enjoy . If someone would like to throw a water by many styles ( by hand ,bowl ,small bin , water gun ,etc) , you can go to Tha Non Kaw San  near Sa-nam-luang too .Many foreign like to stay at Tha-non-kaw-san so big group of FA-RANG will joint with Songkran Festival here.All along of KAW SAN road you can find a lot of smile on faces , laugh with happiness .They play with water all 3 days . For Thai people usually go to “WAI-PRA- KAO-WAT” “ไหว้พระ 9 วัด “ is  pray and salute buddha images  at  9 temples in one day .This is a HIT activity of THAI people who joint with their family ,because they believe this is big Merit or “BOON” in their life that they can do in one day .  Do you Know which TEMPLE that  a target of “WAI PRA KAO WAT “?

Sunday 18 December 2011

Famous Place in Bangalore

Famous Place in Bangalore
 Situated in the Karnataka state, Bangalore is called the ‘Garden City’ for its many blossoming trees and parks
Originally a fort built by Kempegowda, the city still preserves sites such as the Yelahanka Bagilu (Mysore Bank Square), Halsur Bagilu or Gate (it remains hidden in ruined condition behind the Badami House), Anekal Bagilu, and the Kengeri Bagilu.

Bangalore is famous for its shopping malls. Visitors are attracted to its Sandal wood, silk and hand woven materials.

The Karnataka Handloom Development Corporation’s ‘Priyadharshini’ Handloom House is located throughout the city.
The main shopping areas include Mahatma Gandhi Road, Commercial Street, Brigade Road, Public Utility Building, Kempe Gowda Road, Jayachamarajendra Road, Jayanagar Shopping Complex, Russel Market, City Market, and Avenue Road.
Summers are warm and winters are cold. Visitors are advised to avoid the rainy season between July and September.

If you wish to be in a city of gardens and parks, architectural landmarks, natural lakes, shopping malls, and the swankiest restaurants, you must visit Bangalore. Apart from conferences, exhibitions and carnivals, the city is famous for its fine silk, fruits, and flowers. The city’s pleasant climate adds to the fun of exploring its treasures.
Your first stop over must be the Vidhan Soudha or the State Secretariat. The splendid architecture is a fine blend of modern and traditional Dravidian style of architecture. The massive sandal wood door of the building is a rare but impressive structure. The Bangalore Fort and the Bangalore Palace are other grand structures of great historical importance.
Like other south Indian cities, Bangalore has its fair share of exquisitely crafted imposing temples. You can visit these temples for a first hand impression of the devout atmosphere which prevails within.
Some important temples in Bangalore are:

  • The Bull Temple, which houses the magnificent 15 feet tall and 20 feet long stone statue of the sacred bull, Nandi
  • The Gangadhareshware Temple – dedicated to the God of wire- with its four monolithic pillars
  • The Dharmaraja Temple dedicated to Shri Dharmaraja Swamy
  • ISKCON, devoted to Lord Krishna, is situated over a small hill.
  • The Venkataramanaswamy Temple, the Gavi Gangadhareswara cave temple, and the Someshwara Temple
Bangalore is well known for its Churches and mosques, as well. Visit them to know more about the secular nature of the city. Famous among these structures are the Dargah Hazarath Tawakkal Mastan, Jumma Masjid and the St. Mary’s Church.
A visit to Lal Bagh can be a highly fulfilling experience. This famous horticultural garden spread over an area of 2400 acres, houses over 1000 species of trees and plants. The glass house built along the lines of London’s Crystal Palace, is the center of attraction of the park. Other serene places in the city are the well laid out Cubbon Park and the picturesque water body of the Ulsoor Lake.
Other important places to visit in the city are:
  • Ravindra Kalakshetra, a superb theatre which promotes cultural activity.
  • The Gandhi Smarak Nidhi, which has pictures depicting the life and times of Gandhi.
  • The Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium
  • The Bangalore Race Course
You can enjoy all modern form of entertainments in the city. The presence of several discotheques and pubs makes disco-hopping or pub-crawling an easy and entertaining affair. Dining options in the city is as wide as anything else. You can even avail continental dishes in several posh restaurants of the city.
The unique blend of modernity and tradition makes Bangalore a highly entertaining city to visit.

This magnificent Statue of Lord Shiva is about 65 ft. high.

The Lord is depicted in sitting posture on the Mount Kailash with Ganga flowing from hard rocks.

The statue looks majestic during the night with its lighting.

Famous Place In Bangladesh

Famous Place In Bangladesh

Viewed across a large tank, from the steps down to the water near  the homes that remain of the artists, actors and musicians who once awaited the pleasure of the Zaminder, the Dubalhati Palace at Naogoan, although ruined, reminds of the greatest stately homes of UK. Buckingham Palace, even!

Where, no doubt, peacocks and deer once roamed, in front of the vast neoclassical façade, now a crude pottery kiln and a rough roadway remain.

The real craftsmanship of the builders, of course, lies in the cement work. The acanthus leaves and scrolls, the towering columns, the capitols and the crested pediments are extraordinary masterpieces of cement work, as much as of classical reproduction architecture.

Famous Place In Bangladesh
 Kuakata Beach is located southwest of Bangladesh. It is the second most famous beaches in the country. It is located some 320 kilometers from the city of Dhaka, the capital city and about 2 kilometers from the village of Lata Chapli. Kuakata beach is 18 km long and 3 km wide. This is the only beach of Bangladesh where you
Famous Place In Bangladesh
can enjoy both sunrise and sunset. It is the sandy beach of the Bay of Bengal. On the beach there are coconut trees, sand and fantastic opportunities to practice water sports. The name of the beach Kuakata Indians came from two words: KUA and kata, which means drinking water. In the vicinity of the beach are of Buddhist temples Keranipara, Misripara and Amkholapara. Kuakata is also the site of both the Buddhist pilgrim, as the hindues. En the city can find some tourist attractions, eg Buddhist monastery in ruins Paharpuru approximately 376 km, the tropical forests of Sundarbans approximately 127 km, Lalbagh Force approximately 213 km, Baitul Mukarram approximately 215 km, Ahsan Manzil approximately 213 km.

Famous Place In Bangladesh

Famous Place In Bangladesh